Article VIII.The Council

(1) The Council shall include the following Officers and Delegates: 

(a) The President, Secretary-General and Treasurer. 

(b) The five Vice Presidents, representing the international scope of IPA, one of whom shall be appointed by the President as Deputy Vice President, to chair the Council when the President is not in attendance. 

(c) The immediate Past President. 

(d) The immediate Past Secretary-General. 

(e) The immediate Past Treasurer. 

(f) Two Councilors-At-Large, representing the international scope of IPA. 

(g) One Delegate appointed by each Corporate Member. 

(h) One Delegate appointed by the Organizing Committee of the next International Palaeontological Congress. 

(i) One Delegate each, nominated by the Editor, of any international palaeontological journal adopted as a formal publication outlet for IPA. 

(j) One Ad Hoc Delegate each, as appointed by the Executive Committee, who has been charged with responsibility to carry out a specific task on behalf of the IPA, such as representation on an international scientific planning body. 

(k) If the position of any Delegate to the Council becomes vacant through death or resignation, the Executive Committee has authority to organize appointment of a successor, who will hold office until the end of the next Ordinary Meeting of the General Assembly. 

(l) Delegates must be Subscribing Members or Ordinary Members of IPA, or representatives of Corporate Members of IPA in good standing. 

(2) Terms of office 

(a) The term of office of the Council is from the end of one Ordinary Meeting until the end of the next Ordinary Meeting of the General Assembly. 

(b) Councillors and delegates serve for the term of the Council. 

(c) Ad Hoc Delegates serve for an indefinite term to be determined by the Executive Committee, as appropriate for the specified task. 

(d) Councilors and Delegates are eligible for reelection or reappointment. 

(3) Responsibilities of Council: 

(a) The Council represents the General Assembly during intervals between successive Sessions.

(b) The Council will advise and assist the Executive Committee in implementing the aims of IPA as laid down in Article II. 

(c) Collectively and individually, the Council will seek out opportunities for furthering the aims of the IPA and bring them to the attention of the Executive Committee, suggesting a plan of action where appropriate. 

(d) The Council will collect information and offer advice relevant to specific issues, as requested by the Executive Committee.

(e) The Council will decide by vote any matters referred to it by the Executive Committee. 

(f) Any member of the Council may ask the Secretary-General to add an item to the agenda for the consideration of the Executive Committee. 

(g) The Council has the authority to establish during its period of office, and on a temporary basis, any special commission it may wish to charge with a defined task. The Chairman of such a special commission must be a member of the Council. 

(h) Vice Presidents, Councilors and Delegates of the Council may be appointed by the Executive Committee to represent IPA in specific contexts and activities, such as the planning of palaeontological programs at regional and international meetings, or participation in international committees and planning groups.

(i) Vice Presidents, Councilors and Delegates of the Council may be appointed by the Executive Committee to assist with specified tasks on behalf of the IPA, such as the collection and compilation of information. 

(4) The President, or the Deputy Vice President with concurrence of two members of the Executive Committee, may convene and chair the Council. 

(5) The Council may conduct its business by post, by meetings, or by electronic media. 

(6) A record of all decisions and transactions shall be kept and forwarded to the Secretary-General for the IPA Archives and for summarization in the Annual Reports.