(1) The Officers of IPA shall be as follows: President, five Vice-Presidents, Secretary-General, Treasurer, and two Councilors-at-Large.
(2) Officers must be Subscribing Members or Ordinary Members of IPA.
(3) To reflect the international scope of IPA, the officers shall be chosen from several different countries.
(4) President's Term of Office
(a) The President shall take office immediately following the close of the meeting at which he is elected.
(b) The President shall hold office from the time of election until the election of a successor at the next Ordinary Meeting of the General Assembly.
(c) No person may hold office as President for two successive terms.
(d) If the office of President becomes vacant through death or resignation, one of the Vice-Presidents shall be elected by the Council to fill the remainder of the term of office.
(5) Other Officers' Terms of Office
(a) All Officers shall hold office from the end of one Ordinary Meeting of the General Assembly until the end of the next Ordinary Meeting.
(b) If any office becomes vacant through death or resignation, the Council has authority to elect a successor, who will hold office until the end of the next Ordinary Meeting of the General Assembly.
(c) The Vice-Presidents may hold office for no more than two successive terms.
(d) The Secretary-General and Treasurer may hold office for further successive terms.
(6) Procedure for nominations for election of officers
(a) A Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the President to select a slate of names for coming vacancies and to present that slate in writing to the General Assembly for election.
(b) The Nominating Committee shall consist of six members:?the Secretary-General (who shall act as chair but have no vote), two members of the Council, and three members of the IPA who are not members of Council.
(c) The Nominating Committee shall invite Corporate and Individual Members to suggest names for nomination to office and shall consider all suggestions.
(d) The Nominating Committee shall consider geography as well as other qualifications for office, in order that the slate of candidates shall reflect the international scope of IPA.
(e) Additional nominations for any office may be made by any Member of IPA, provided such nomination is supported by at least five other Members, is made in writing, and is received by the Secretary-General before the opening of the next Ordinary Meeting of the General Assembly. Such nominations must include evidence that the nominee is eligible and willing to accept office if elected.