Article II.Aim

(1) The aim of the IPA is to promote and coordinate international cooperation in palaeontology, including palaeobotany and palaeozoology of all geological periods, and to encourage the integration and synthesis of all palaeontological knowledge. 

(2) To this end the activities of the IPA shall include: 

(a) organization of International Palaeontological Congresses and of other palaeontological meetings, especially in association with international congresses; 

(b) collaboration with the officers responsible for programmes of international congresses to ensure that items of palaeontological interest are included. 

(c) publication of a world directory of palaeontologists; 

(d) cooperation in the publication of international journals devoted to palaeontology; 

(e) encouragement and incorporation of International Research Groups within special fields of palaeontology, such as by the organization of symposia, the publication of proceedings, and by such other methods as shall be decided; 

(f) cooperation with other international organizations having interests allied to palaeontology; 

(g) representation in IUGS and IUBS of national palaeontological societies; 

(h) any other activities considered appropriate by the Executive Committee.