The 6th International Palaeontological Congress held in Khon Kaen, Northeast Thailand Nov. 7-11, 2022

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The 6th International Palaeontological Congress (IPC6) was organized by Palaeontological Research and Education Centre of Mahasarakham University, and held in Khon Kaen, Northeast Thailand, from the 7th to the 11th, November 2022, plus pre-, mid- and post-conference excursions. The theme of the congress was ‘From Gondwana to Laurasia’, which brought together around 400 in-person participants from over 35 countries, as well as larger virtual audience from around the world.

On the first day morning of the congress, the IPC6 was opened with welcoming speeches by Mr Kraisorn Kongchalad, Governor of Khon Kaen Province, Assoc. Prof. Prayook Srivilai, President of Mahasarakham University, Prof. Renbin Zhan, Secretary-General of IPA, and H.E. Mr Varawut Silpa-Archa, Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, Thailand. Following three plenary talks, over 320 oral and nearly 100 poster presentations of 26 technical sessions were organized, covering almost all aspects of Palaeontology as well as some related subjects like palaeoecology, palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, sedimentology, etc. Among them, a special session of the IGCP 710 Western Tethys meets Eastern Tethys was arranged with a theme “Palaeobiogeography of the Western and Eastern Tethys - migration routes and palaeoceanography”.

During the congress, the Ordinary Meeting of the General Assembly of International Palaeontological Association (IPA) was presided over by Secretary-General Renbin Zhan on the late afternoon of Nov. 10. One of the items discussed was the selection of the site of the next IPC, i.e. IPC7 and Renbin welcomed any suggestions and applications before a final decision was made by IPA Council. In addition, the annual business meeting of the International Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy (SDS/ICS of the IUGS) was also organized during the congress.

01 opening ceremory of IPC6.jpg

opening ceremory of IPC6

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session talk

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the Ordinary Meeting of General Assembly of IPA

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pre-conference excursion

Mailing list IPC6 attendees (from Mongkol 2022-11-16).xlsx

IPC6 Program Book 2.pdf

IPC6 - Abstract Book.pdf