Celebrating Fossils Worldwide
Join the International Palaeontological Association
in spreading the joy, fun and interest in the life of the past.
Celebrate International Fossil Day this coming October 15th and 16th with an open house at your museum, university or institute, lectures, treks through the fossil beds, posters, kid activities, blogs, or other creative ways to let people know about fossils. Focus on the fun and importance of fossils and their preservation.
For further information to join in International Fossil Day, visit www.ipa-assoc.org/
For examples of what two other organizations have done see:
USA National Fossil Day (http://nature.nps.gov/geology/nationalfossilday/index.cfm)
International Archaeology Day (https://www.archaeological.org/archaeologyday/)
Please join the IPA in the celebration:
Zhonghe Zhou, China
Beatriz Graciela Waisfeld, Argentina
James Crampton, New Zealand
Lars Holmer, Secretary-Sweden
Hiroshi Kitazato, Japan
Olga Kossovaya, Russia
Thomas Servais, Belgium
Roger Thomas, United States
Michael Benton, United Kingdom
Qun Yang, China
Takenori Sasaki, Japan
Mahendra Pal Singh, India
Dayon Zhai, China
Eric Buffetaut, France
Vachik Hairapetian, Iran
Yongdong Wang, China
Yuan Wang, China
Jere H. Lipps, United States
For questions, suggestions or your intent to participate in IFD, please email jlipps@berkeley.edu and/or zhouzhonghe@ivpp.ac.cn.
When you develop your activity please send a link for the website to Yongdong Wang at ydwang@nigpas.ac.cn for inclusion on the IPA IFD web pages.
Feel free to contact your colleagues and others interested in fossils in your country or region by forwarding this email to them.
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