IPA Business Meeting will be held in Beijing

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The business meeting of IPA will be held in Beijing from May 15-17, China. This meeting will be hosted by the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP), Chinese Academy of Sciences. 

The meeting includes about 20 participants, including the Executive Committee members of IPA, such as President, Vice president, secretary-general, Councilors-At-Large, Last President, Last Secretary-General, Representatives of Corporate Members, and members of specially invited. 

The major topics of this business meeting till include, 1), to enhance connections of IPA with IUGS and IUBS in order to make IPA more active and visible among world geological and biological community; 2) discussion on the establishment of fellow of IPA and other honors or prizes of the organization. 3) discussion on how to improve the Paleoparks Projects, in order to have it play a bigger role in promoting the conservation of important fossil sites and raising the public awareness of the significance of the fossil conservations. 4), discussion on how to expand the number of the membership of the IPA. 5), discussion on issues of the next IPC in 2018.